Areas of Practice

Motions and Appeals

Legal representation before the Immigration Court or the Board of Immigration Appeals for Motions to Reopen, Motions to Reconsider, and Appeals.

Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

Sheets Law provides assistance with creating a Power of Attorney , which helps ensure that your needs are taken care of, even in difficult situations. Alison can also help create living wills, which ensure that your wishes are followed in end-of-life care. In addtion to living wills, Alison can create Mental Health Directives, which provide peace of mind when unexpected occasions arise.

Victims of Crime

Sheets Law assists clients with visas for victims of certain crimes (U-Visa) and human trafficking (T-Visa), as well with applications for Green Cards for victims of domestic violence from U.S. or LPR spouses (VAWA), including those in same-sex marriages.

Marriage Visas

Sheets Law can assist clients with marriage-based visas for those married to a U.S.citizen. Alison assists clients regardless of gender and sexual orientation and can help same-sex couples navigate the potentially complicated process of obtaining permanent residency for the foreign spouse.

Work Authorization

Sheets Law can help you obtain an Employment Authorization Document for certain immigration categories and circumstances, such as asylum seekers or those with Temporary Protected Status.

Wills and Trusts

Sheets Law can assist you in estate planning - including drafting wills revocable trusts.